Thursday, June 18, 2009

Farewell 4th Grade!

I'm sooo happy that school is out. No more getting up early, making sure lunches are packed, baths.... you get the point!! Now we can have slumber parties every night in our Family room with watching late night movies and sleeping in. I especially enjoy all the kids wanting to spoil me. What I mean by that is that they compete by seeing who could be the better kid.=) ohh i just love this. Hey mom can I massage your feet? Hey mom can I brush your hair? I mean this list can go on and on. Paint my nails, wash the dishes, massaging my arms, legs, pluck my eye brows (So when you notice they are don't match or a little off), Kailee did it. lol

But hey I do a lot for them too! So I welcome summer time with loving arms. But ask me in August. I will be begging for school to start. It's exhausting trying to find crafts and things for the kids to do all day. This was the first year the kids shared the same teacher and had a great time. He was a great teacher and made learning very fun. So at the end of the year I made him a gift to remember the twins. It was so fun and easy that I also made one for Audrey Wilcox for graduating from Buchanan High. Brianne and I found them on a blog and thought it would be easy to make not to mention how inexpensive. If you asked me 8 years ago if I had a hobby I wouldn't be able to answer you. But know I love to do so many things. Crafting is so much fun! So thank you to so many people for sharing all of your talents. Now I can pass them along to my kids.


  1. I'm with you, I love having the kids home for the summer. Mine have never offered to pluck my eyebrows or massage my feet, though. What's your trick?

  2. it may be twins! Always wanting to compete. And out do each other. Whatever it is Im not complaining they just love to doing it.

  3. You have the world's best kids!!! Lucky lady ;)
